Monday, January 31, 2011

Why Is This Blog All About Food?

So I'm "reminiscing" on the past year of my blog.  Marveling at brilliant phrases, cringing at others.  But a fascinating discovery - a lot of this blog is about food, which intrigues me because I do have a separate blog about food, but I rarely write about it there. 

As usual, this morning I woke up, stepped on the scale, and vowed to start losing weight again.  And as usual, work intervened, and found me diving for the green olives and red wine when I got home (after eating bean soup and a banana for lunch and becoming ravenously cranky as a result), and plotting one of my favorite comfort food dinners of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, and the obligatory vegetables, green beans with olive oil and balsamic vinegar (hint, not a match for chicken and potatoes - but I've nailed my gravy recipe).

We got up early, the first snooze of my alarm early, and got to work at 6:00 a.m.  What an ungawdly hour (even though I went to bed at 7:00 last night to compensate).  I worked late, even, and still left work undone.  Not important work.  Busy work, really, interviewing people who we won't hire.  I wonder how some people can be so un-self-aware.  But then again, I'm being cynical.  I've worked in HR for too long.  I don't know how I will handle the next 2 1/2 years finishing my PhD.  I started this semester (okay, two weeks ago) so excited, and now, even that has fizzled.  I have a paper due on Wednesday, a two-page paper, but analyzing, synthesizing, not exactly just writing my position and moving on.  I wonder, once again, why is it that I'm getting my PhD.  The Master's, okay, since I was an undergrad, that was a dream, and I thought it would open doors for me, that came and went, the doors are more closed now than ever - since I am not relocating now. 

What I really want to do, if I had no debt, no obligations, is to go to culinary school.  I am not sure I want to be a professional chef or caterer, but I really want to teach people how to cook.  I want to design curriculum and incite passion in others - and spend the day playing with my food!  How will I do this?  I have grown accustomed to not worrying about money (after 10 years of living near poverty, I can't go back to this state), buying what I want when I want it, having a large walk-in closet the size of most Manhattan apartments overflowing with clothes and shoes, travel, vacations, restaurants, wine.  So I have to find a way to support myself while going to culinary school, somehow in my one-track mind, getting a PhD and teaching at a university would allow this, or getting the letters and writing a book.  Any combination that doesn't include wasting my brain on scheduling and re-scheduling interviews, conducting interviews, or scheduling consultants who we pay to tell us what I can - and charge us even more to do what I can and love to do, or answering stupid questions (yeah, there is such a thing as stupid questions - I get multiple stupid questions a day asked of me) will be a step in the right direction. 

For now, I have to live out my fantasies in the evening, an hour or so at a time in my own kitchen, going to bed and meditating that I live a more fulfilling professional life, that's what I've got.  Stay tuned. 

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