Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Groundhog Day Eve

Hey, what do you know?  It's almost Groundhog day ... again.  And what do you know, I'm procrastinating on my Quantitative Research Methods homework ... again.  I'm not a procrastinator by nature.  I'm a work first, then play later sort of gal.  But after all this behavior science stuff at work, I can see how I'm clearly not motivated to do work or homework.  I'm motivated by a bottle of Syrah and a good idea for a fabulous dinner.  Tonight, pork with udon noodles, snow peas and onions, with a soy-ginger-garlic-rice vinegar-mirin sauce.  I nailed it.  I scaled back on the soy sauce (salty - but my palate leans - rests - on salty - screw the new FDA requirements - I don't eat processed or fast food, I'm eating soy sauce), and it was perfect.  I am excited to eat it for lunch tomorrow - as much as I despise leftovers, I think this one will translate just fine. 

Went to bed early last night, 8:00 p.m., to mitigate the 4:30 wake up that morning, and slept soundly until a wretched dream shocked me into reality around 2 a.m.  Why do I have wretched, twisted dreams?  I go to bed every night thinking of the beach, I have every room laid out in my beach house, including my playhouse, which is a kitchen below a loft office.  How can I have twisted dreams when I think consciously about such great ones??  I think I blame my job, it's turning me into a twisted soul.  I'm starting to intimidate people, which is good and bad.  But really, mostly bad, because I never set out to intimidate anyone.  Just the nature of the beast we call HR.  

The winter is brutally cold this year, minus many more degrees than I want to admit now, and it's painful.  I don't go outside, other than work, for six months of the year, is this living???  In two weeks we set off for California, every time we go, we are one step closer to finding a way to be there.  But Cali is expensive, we have expensive tastes, but our Green River salaries allow us to express those - a Cali lifestyle would involve a scaling back.  So, the winter tundra, once again, prevails, with the money, over warmth but poverty.  Well, no wonder I have twisted dreams. 

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