Sunday, June 27, 2010

More on Feminism

I'm reading an insightful book titled Click: When We Knew We Were Feminists by J. Courtney Sullivan and Courtney E. Martin.  The chapters consist of essays by feminists, white, black, straight, lesbian, and also male.  We have grappled with the term feminist for decades.  What feminism, to me, comes down to is being myself without being discriminated against.  One of the essayists talked about equality, and how his mother insisted that equality meant being masculine and participating in the male world (by being a black female mechanic in the military in the time when females - let alone African Americans - simply weren't in the military).  The masculine ideal, then, was forced upon her son, who enjoyed cooking and spending time with female friends.

We've "conveniently" labeled ourselves and defined others in terms that create realities that simply shouldn't exist.  Feminism means I can have a successful career, but still enjoy cooking and hanging out with my girlfriends, getting pedicure and manicures.  I love wearing high heels, not because men think they are sexy, but because I think they are sexy.  I like to look pretty, but I also like being known for my intellect.  I shouldn't have to choose between being a woman and being masculine to succeed in my career.  I'm inspired by people who share this value to advance not only female rights, but human rights.

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