Sunday, April 4, 2010


I'm immersing myself into the world of writing, dissatisfied with work and school, this is my hope to be independently wealthy, free to lay on the beach every day and drink pina coladas at noon.

I expected writing to be easier than this.  Everything comes easy to me.  I have been living this book since I was knew what TV was.  I will prevail, I WILL write this book, and others.  I have stories to tell, and they are much more interesting than the life I lead at work.

Working in HR is hard.  You have to remain ethical, even when other people's livelihoods are at stake.  Last week drained me.  So much so that I have done precious little over the Easter break.  Barely left the house, barely did any housework.  I've worked on this book, which I'm having a hard time getting research for.  I posted on Facebook and LinkedIn, and barely gotten a response.  As much time people waste on Facebook I figured a simple survey would be welcomed. I've gotten 8 responses.  I'm discouraged, but I will keep going.  I can't continue down the path I am now.  I'm frustrated and irritable.  Writing is what will (hopefully) save me.  


  1. Don't get discouraged. I like writing too. When I was a kid, I would ask my Mom for notebooks and pens. I would fill notebook upon notebook with stories. I wish I still had some of them now. I wrote a story for a fiction writing contest. I haven't submitted it yet. If you want, you can see it. I'd like to see what you have as well. Are you a believer in the law of attraction? I try to be but it is sometimes hard for me. If you are, all you need to do is envision the life you want. Spend some time sitting in a quiet place and imagine yourself living your future experience.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement? I do believe in the Law of Attraction, "The Secret" is on my bedstand and I read it frequently to remind myself to dream and live it! Thanks again!
